Sunday, January 20, 2008

Keepin' it warm?

Tonight it's going below freezing for the somethingth night in a row here in the ATL. Actually, it was only above freezing for a couple of hours today, long enough for my husband to drag my lazy ass to the gym, then to the grocery store, where, miraculously, there was still some milk and bread left on the shelves. My porch plants, which have been sequestered in the garage for about a week now, are totally saying, "WTF?" That's pretty much what we're saying, too.

So how does an oenophile stay warm on chilly nights such as this? Warm wine drinks! The one that follows is a beautifully simple recipe that was concocted by my mother many years back for a gathering on the feast of Christ the King (which, for those of you who aren't Catholic, is the Sunday before the first Sunday of Advent. Yes, Christ is honored as king just before he's gotta go back and do it all over again. Silly liturgical year).


16 oz of apple cider
1-2 sticks cinnamon
burgundy (a jug burgundy is perfectly acceptable in this context)

Put the apple cider and cinnamon in a saucepan and set over medium heat until warm, but don't boil. Add approximately 2 oz of burgundy to each mug of cider. Season to taste. Serves 1-2. Multiply as needed.

Goes well through the holidays and beyond. Enjoy!

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